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FRISBI offers a range of workshops to train graduate and post-graduate students in integrated structural biology. FRISBI courses are open to french and european researchers, from academic and industry.

ReNaFoBis / FRISBI webinar

FRISBI/ReNaFoBis webinar March 13 at 01:00 PM Paris

Speaker: Claude Sauter, IBMC, Strasbourg, France

Tittle: Microfluidic chips for biomolecular crystal growth and serial crystallography

Twenty years ago, microfluidics opened up new possibilities and brought many benefits for the crystallization of biomolecules. Indeed, microfluidic systems facilitate the manipulation of nano-volumes of sample solutions, as well as extreme miniaturization and parallelization of crystallization assays. In addition, they provide a convection-free environment that favors the growth of high-quality crystals [1]. As an illustration, a new multifunctional microchip will be presented that combines 1) the search and optimization of crystallization conditions of biomolecules by the counter diffusion method, 2) crystal identification by fluorescence microscopy, 3) microcrystalline seeding, 4) derivatization of crystals by substrate soaking, and 5) routine in situ serial analysis at room temperature. The concept was already tested on a large panel of biomolecules including RNA and various soluble or membrane proteins [2-3].

[1] Sauter, Dhouib & Lorber, Crystal Growth & Design (2007)

[2] de Wijn et al., IUCrJ (2019)

[3] Pachl et al., FEBS openbio (2024)

 Speaker: Serena Sirigu, SOLEIL, Paris-Saclay, France

Tittle: In-situ X-ray crystallography with the CRIBLEUR on the PROXIMA-2A beamline at Synchrotron SOLEIL

In-situ X-ray crystallography enables direct data collection from crystals in their natural growth environment, preserving integrity and minimizing handling. It is particularly advantageous for fragile crystals, such as membrane proteins and viruses. To support this technique, we developed the CRIBLEUR, a custom goniometer designed for high-throughput in-situ X-ray data collection. Since 2019, the CRIBLEUR has been operational at the PROXIMA 2A micro-focus beamline at Synchrotron SOLEIL, enabling X-ray diffraction data collection at room temperature directly from SBS-format plates or microfluidic chips, even for the smallest crystals. This approach accelerates sample optimization, eliminates the need for delicate handling, and preserves crystal quality by bypassing cryogenic freezing. High-resolution structures of test proteins have been successfully determined, demonstrating the CRIBLEUR as a highly effective tool for high-throughput, high-quality room-temperature data collection in structural biology and drug discovery.



FRISBI support BioStine a site to access the basics in Structural Biology in French Biostine FR , or in English Biostine EN

Une play-list youtube dédiée à la Biologie Structurale Intégrative (Coordination: Marie-Hélène Le Du, Paris-Saclay):

Past webinars:

February 13, 2025 Speaker: Tobias Madl University of Graz, Austria Tittle "Decoding the Regulatory Role of Post-Translational Modifications with NMR Spectroscopy"
January 23, 2025 Speaker: Nils Marechal, IGBMC/CBI, Illkirch, France Title: Streptavidin affinity grids for structural electron microscopy
December 12, 2024 2 speakers: Marta Janczuk-Richter, Creoptix AG, Wädenswil, Switzerland Title: Pushing the boundaries in biomolecular interaction analysis with the Creoptix WAVEsystem and Eric Ennifar, Institut de Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du CNRS, Strasbourg, France Title: A multi-approach benchmarking of macromolecular interactions - Focus on kinITC
November 14, 2024 2 speakers: Lionel Imbert, IBS, Grenoble, France Title: Overview of cell-free protein production & developments for NMR samples and Martin Pelosse, EMBL Grenoble Title: Eukaryotic expression strategies at the EEF.
October 17, 2024 Speaker: François Ferron, AFMB Tittle: Structural Approach to characterize the Metabolic Activation Pathway Of a Nucleotide analogue: From Pro-Drug to Target
September 12, 2024  2 speakers: Alicja Razew (IBS, Grenoble) Tittle: Antibiotic Resistance: How to Monitor Drug-Protein Interactions in the Bacterial Periplasm and Christina Sizun (ICSN, Gif sur Yvette) Tittle: A dual binding mode between RSV NS1 and MED25 contributes to reshaping of antiviral responses.
June 25, 2024 Florian FAESSLER (IGBMC, Illkirch) Title: Cryo-electron tomography of filament assemblies and their organizers
May 14, 2024 Speaker: Agathe Urvoas, Institute for Integrative Biology of the Cell (I2BC), Tittle: AlphaRep: a new platform dedicated to the selection of artificial protein binders

Please follow our program of ReNaFoBis-FRISBI webinars

FRISBI is involved and strongly support the French National training network in structural biology (ReNaFoBiS).  Aimed to be a national PhD training network, ReNaFoBiS coordinate and organize classes, workshops and training programs for students and post-docs.

See   for more information