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The French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) provides an infrastructure for integrative structural biology approaches, from the molecular to the cellular level, integrating multi-resolution data from X-ray crystallography, small angle X-ray scattering, NMR, Cryo-EM and functional data including development for protein expression and crystallization.

FRISBI is open to structural and molecular and cell biologists from both academia and industry from France and Europe. A simple, transparent reviewed process will provide access based on its feasibility and resource availability. Applications for access can be submitted at any time. Users will be required to contribute towards the costs of access.

For application please "submit proposals"

Two of the FRISBI centers are part of the european Instruct-ERIC infrastructure



8th FRISBI annual user meeting , the 18 November 2024 at IGBMC, Illkirch

Welcome at 13h30 end of the meeting 18h30

Registration is free but mandatory please REGISTER HERE Deadline for registration October 27th, 2024

More informations soon

We want to serve at the best the scientific community, please fill in the FRISBI satisfactory survey here set up by the user commity of FRISBI.

Please follow our program of ReNaFoBis-FRISBI webinars

Acknowledgement: In published material, please acknowledge the use of FRISBI infrastructure, expertise using the following text: This work was supported by the French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) ANR-10-INBS-0005.

A copy of the communication / publication (pdf) should be sent to FRISBI

Plaquette 187.7 KB


"Biologie Structurale: Des équipements de pointe à disposition de l'industrie".

Read more 970.0 KB