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FRISBI provides to the scientific community its expertise, including expert staff and high end instrumentation, to perform projects for structural analysis.

The aim of FRISBI is to encourage the use of technologies and methodologies in an integrated manner (e.g. analysis of a system spanning different resolution levels using different techniques). However, applications are also possible for the individual FRISBI nodes where local facilities provide the specifically required techniques. FRISBI is open to structural and molecular and cell biologists from both academia and industry from France and Europe.

Applications for access can be submitted at any time.  A simple, transparent reviewed process will provide access based on its feasibility and resource availability. Users will be required to contribute towards the costs of access. Users will be charged on academic rate if they agree to open publication of results, or in non-academic rate if there is no expectation for open publication of results.

Applications for access can be submitted at any time. (NOTE: If you have trouble for connecting, please go through the navigator "Chrome").

When the access is completed a FRISBI user report.docx has to be send to

Acknowledgement: In published material, please acknowledge the use of FRISBI infrastructure, expertise using the following text: This work was supported by the French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) ANR-10-INBS-0005.

9th FRISBI call for funded access closed

The 9th FRISBI call for funded access to national structural biology platforms is now open.

(NOTE: If you have trouble for connecting, please go through the navigator "Chrome").


In published material resulting from FRISBI funded platform access, FRISBI support must be acknowledged using the following text: This work was supported by the French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) ANR-10-INSB-005.

When the access is completed a FRISBI user report.docx has to be send to

A copy of the communication / publication (pdf) should be sent to FRISBI


Appel à projets INSB | Accès aux Infrastructures Nationales de recherche

Cet appel vise à encourager les équipes à obtenir un premier accès aux services offerts par les Infrastructures de Recherche pour aider leur projet de recherche. L’objectif est de démontrer l’impact significatif de ces services pour améliorer la qualité de leurs résultats (résolution, reproducibilité, changement d’échelle, etc.) ou pour aider à lever les barrières technologiques. Nous visons également à sensibiliser nos équipes aux technologies, méthodes et expertises de pointe offertes par ces infrastructures nationales. Deadline for application February 28, 2023

For more info and application please go at

8th FRISBI call for funded is closed

Acknowledgement : In published material resulting from FRISBI funded platform access, FRISBI support must be acknowledged using the following text: This work was supported by the French Infrastructure for Integrated Structural Biology (FRISBI) ANR-10-INSB-0005.

When the access is completed a FRISBI user report.docx has to be send to

A copy of the communication / publication (pdf) should be sent to FRISBI

Result of the FRISBI access calls with subvention:

In 2021: 23 projects were submitted, all were accepted for access, 20 with FRISBI funding.

In 2020: 22 projects were submitted and all were accepted with FRISBI contribution to the access cost.

In 2018: In a total of 27 projects submitted, all were accepted for access, 21 get a FRISBI subvention. 5 projects were redirected for an Instruct access submission.

In 2017: In a total of 32 projects submitted, 29 get a FRISBI subvention, 3 were not eligible for funding.

In 2016: In a total of 18 projects submitted, 17 get a FRISBI subvention, one was not eligible for funding.

In 2015: In a total of 32 projects submitted, 25 get a FRISBI subvention. 3 were technically not feasible, 2 were not eligible for subvention and one redirected for an Instruct access submission.