FIP-BM30A is the French ESRF beamline for protein crystallography. FIP-BM30A can be used either for single or multi-wavelength diffraction (SAD, MAD) experiments. Its optics deliver a focused beam on a fixed sample position, with an energy resolution of about 10-3 to 10-4 and a large accessible energy range (7-18 keV). The beam intensity isĀ 0.5e11 photons/(0.3x0.3 mm2) for a 2.10-4 energy resolution at 12.5 keV.
FIP-BM30A is a highly automated beamline, with a unique robotized experiment setup. Indeed, apart the robotized sample changer, FIP posses also a plate screening system (G-Rob) for direct in situ analysis of crystals in the X-ray beam. With this system, it is possible to analyze crystals in sitting drop crystallization plates or microchips. This is specifically interesting for crystals too small to be fished, or too fragile to be handled or frozen. A rapid screening to determine the nature of the object to be analyzed (salt or protein crystals), collecting few frames for cell determination, or even complete data collection are possible.
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