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FRISBI's centres offer a complete set of platforms (techniques) for the integrated structural biology research process. Explore the platforms by stage of the process.


Sample Preparation

Sample preparation is not only a key issue for structural and molecular biology studies, but concerns Life Sciences development as a whole.  FRISBI offer state-of-the-art infrastructures for the expression and production of biomolecules and their complexes in prokaryotic and eukaryotic system.

Bacterial expression

Bacterial hosts are hosts of choice for the production of recombinant proteins and protein complexes. This is largely due to the ease of genetic manipulation and simple culturing.

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC, Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG ; AFMB Marseille

Yeast expression

Yeast cells constitute a convenient alternative host for production of either recombinant eukaryotic proteins or endogenous complexes. Advantages include the low cost of growing material, robustness of the system, easy genetic manipulation, and the presence of endogenous eukaryotic-type protein modification and chaperone systems

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Centre France 1-IGBMC; Paris Saclay

Insect cell expression

Baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS) is a powerful and polyvalent tool for recombinant protein expression. Without any danger known for human beings, recombinant baculoviruses allow us to produce a large amount of proteins and protein complexes that are difficult to obtain with other biological systems.

FRISBI centers offering thisInstruct Center France1-IGBMC; I AFMB; Paris Saclay

Mammalian cell expression

Mammalian expression systems are more and more the method of choice for many structural biology projects where correct folding machinery or post translational modifications are decisively important.

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Centre France 1-IGBMC, AFMB

Gene Tagging

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Centre France 1-IGBMC

Cell-free production

Cell free (CF) expression systems based on cell extracts (E.coli or wheat germ) have shown to be very effective for the production of soluble proteins and in particular for membrane proteins. In addition, CF expression offers unique opportunities for the efficient and fast labelling of proteins with isotopes or modified amini acids.

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Centre France 2-IBS-ISBG

Isotopic labelling

FRISBI centers offering this: CBS

Library based construct screening

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG


FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC, CBS

Mass spectrometry

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISGB

Camelid nanobody production

FRISBI centers offering this: AFMB

Biophysical characterisation

FRISBI offers a large panel of state-of-the-art equipment and expertise in biochemistry and biophysics to perform quality control and functional analysis on protein samples.


FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC; Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG; Paris Saclay

Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI)

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC; AFMB; Paris Saclay


FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMCAFMBCBS; Paris Saclay

Circular Dichroism

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC; CBS

Flow-Induced Dispersion Analysis (FIDA)

FRISBI centers offering this:Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC

High pressure

FRISBI centers offering this:


FRISBI centers offering this:Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC; Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG; AFMB

Microscale Thermophoresis

FRISBI centers offering this: AFMB; Paris Saclay; Instruct Centre France 1-IGBMC

Selection of specific alphaRep binders

FRISBI centers offering this: Paris Saclay


FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG ;


FRISBI centers offering thisParis Saclay

Thermal Shift Assay

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1 -IGBMC; CBS; AFMB


Crystallisation of  protein molecule is a crucial step during the course of X-ray structure determination.

Crystallisation under anaerobic conditions

FRISBI centers offering this:Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG

High throughput crystallisation

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC; Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG; Paris Saclay, CBS, AFMB

High throughput membrane protein crystallisation

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG

Structural analysis

FRISBI offers acces to a range of state of the art structural biology technologies and integrative biological approaches and expertise.

Electron microscopy

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC; Instruct Center France 2 IBS-ISBG; AFMB; CBS; Paris Saclay

Light microscopy

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC; Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG

Super resolution microscopy

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 1-IGBMC


FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Centre France 1-IGBMC; Instruct Centre France 2-IBS-ISBG; Paris Saclay, CBS


FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 2-IBS-ISBG

Electron spectroscopy

FRISBI centers offering thisParis Saclay

High Field EPR

FRISBI centers offering this: Paris Saclay


FRISBI centers offering this: Paris Saclay

Optical Super Resolution Spectroscopy

FRISBI centers offering this: Paris Saclay

Resonance Raman spectroscopy

FRISBI centers offering this: Paris Saclay

X-Ray-based methods


Small Angle X-ray Scattering 

FRISBI centers offering thisCBS

In-house X-ray crystallography

FRISBI centers offering this:  AFMB, CBS

X-ray crystallography beamline

FRISBI centers offering this: Instruct Center France 2- IBS-ISBG


FRISBI centers offering this: Paris Saclay


In the framework of integrated structural biology, the goal of bioinformatics is not only to facilitate the determination of a protein’s 3D structure, but also to understand its role(s) in the complex, dynamic networks that are responsible for cellular or organismal functions. This requires dedicated computational systems that can handle and store large volumes of heterogeneous data and that can quickly process queries between the different data resources and efficiently extract relevant knowledge.

FRISBI centers offering thisAFMBCBS